We Got You Covered


We Make Vaccinations Easy

Travel Medicine Vaccinations

SafeGard provides all your travel vaccination and medication needs through associated pharmacies. Click on the Vaccinations and Medications links below to learn more about each travel medicine.


All travelers should be current on all routine vaccinations. These typically include MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), DPT (diptheria, pertussis and especially tetanus), polio, chickenpox and influenza. Other routine vaccinations may be age specific. Additionally, specific vaccines may be recommended to travelers based upon their medical history, shot record and destination(s). The following vaccines may have special relevance to the traveler.
Typhoid |  Yellow Fever |  Japanese Encephalitis |  Cholera |  Hepatitis |  Meningitis |  Polio |  Rabies


There are also some specific medications that may be recommended to travelers based upon their previous medical history and their destination(s). The following conditions may require special consideration.
Malaria |  Travelers’ Diarrhea |  Altitude Sickness